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Friday, January 21, 2011

"Fire Sale"

I'd heard to never give a girl a poem
I chose to ignore the advice
And I have the bruises to show for it
All the pretty words
Joined, they make such pretty pictures
I had them
Now they're gone, daddy
I'll never give another word away


I'm not waiting all night to tell you what you don't want to hear.
You don't have love for me.
You don't even have respect.
You gave me no time.
You give me no time.
No room to breathe.
You squeeze me when the air is already gone from my lungs.
Now they are empty and can't refill.
And as I twist in your coils,
This is not easy.
Did you think that it would be?


Took a little damage
Took a few hits
Time heals, but it's a slow bandage
It's a weak salve
Been down to that well
One time too many
The water down there
Is bad water

"Love Poem"

I hate you.
I can finally say it
And not feel guilty.
You hurt me.
You broke me.
You ripped me.
You tore me.
You did it all, girl,
And then you replaced me.
That was the biggest insult of all.
So, I hate you.
(And you're so vain,
You probably think this poem
Is about you.)


amazing the power of one so small
to invade my loud and my quiet moments
amazing the power of a delicate red-haired girl
to drive me to distraction


all i want right now
is for this angry world
to give me back
my little present

"Forgetting the 16th"

I almost answered
Almost took the bait
You clever thing

I almost gave you something
Besides silence to drown yourself in

Once upon a time
I will straighten myself out