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Monday, November 22, 2010

Poem For My Gandfather

Old Man
I will admit that I have not done you enough honor
My tributes have fallen short

You stood tall and proud once
You manned a gun and fought men in planes, bent on your destruction
You worked your whole life
You laughed and fought and toiled
You loved and raged and cried
You had adventures, great and terrible
And you battled times of crushing boredom and sameness
I did not hear you apologize for who you were
You have been more of a man than I can hope to be

I wonder about you, now
Do you look for old faces and find them gone?
Is there pain in knowing you are among the last of your kind –
                A generation dwindling to nothing?
Is it an ache in your bones, low and dull and constant?
Or is it the sharp hot sting, the punch of a gunshot?

Or do you look to your Creator with anticipation?
Do you wait impatiently for His call, as for an old friend
                Long overdue?

Your breed is dying
It cannot be replaced
I honor you now, old man
I am only sorry I waited this long.

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