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Thursday, November 18, 2010

You Have Been Warned

I don't really go in much for blogging. Or I haven't in the past. But life is what it is, and the opportunities for a creative outlet are few and far between. So I guess I've decided to grab them where I can.
I'm not a poet. I'm not an artist. I'm nobody special. I'm not a politico. My views are my own. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, like my writing, tell me I'm wonderful or read anything more than once. I don't really care if anyone does. Sometimes you just have to get the things in your head out into the sunlight, is all.
I'm going to post poetry. I'll try my best not to make it sappy, stupid, adolescent bullshit. But I can't promise anything. Because I'm a bad judge of my own work. I have written things that people have thought was really good and I hated, and vice versa. I've also written stuff that people liked and I agreed. And frankly, I've written some real shit.
I'll post newer things that I'm working on. I'll post old stuff I've written, some of it from several years ago. How good any of it is is really difficult for me to say. Hopefully it's more good than bad.
But again, no promises. You have been warned.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading your work. I'm glad you're releasing it into the wild as it were.
