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The 7 Virtues

In getting in touch with my chosen faith of Catholicism, one of the concepts I find interesting is that of the 7 Cardinal and Theological virtues. Whether they're attainable, whether they're practical in our modern age, whether anyone actually believes in them anymore. I think they are excellent guideposts and goals for which to strive. These poems are my take on the virtues.

Corner Of A Building, Sky Behind
This is actually an older poem that I rediscovered when I found my old notebook. So much in the notebook was garbage, but this one still said something to me. And I realized that it was very much about the virtue of faith. It's something I've struggled with at various times in my life.

The Granite Mouse
This poem was inspired by the book "A Prayer For Owen Meany". If you haven't read it, you should. Realizing that he was a fictional character out of someone's imagination, if I could have half the moral courage of Owen Meany, I'd consider myself a lucky man. 

Sixth St, Late Fall
This poem is my consideration of the virtue of Charity. It is sometimes difficult in this society to judge whether a kind act to a stranger is actually helpful. The money you give to a homeless person could be spent on food, or on a bottle of cheap wine or a rock of crack. Then again, Jesus said that whatever you do for the least of these, you do for him. It's a tough line to walk, though.

On The Other Hand, He WAS The First Pope
I am impulsive and emotional, and I struggle with it - particularly the emotions. I get down on myself about it. A comfort to me at times is the life of Simon Peter, considered by many to be the greatest of the 12 Apostles. He was also emotional and impulsive. His love for his friend and Lord was unmatched, but he also denied his friend and Lord. He is someone I look up to in my life, and one of the people I look forward to meeting in Heaven.

Work In Progress
My life is exactly this: a work in progress. I sometimes think that I benefit more from being quiet and listening that from anything else.

Wait...this is only 5 poems. There are 7 virtues. What the?!?! It's an ongoing project.